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E-commerce and startups

Interfaces are only a part of services. What happens to the user before and after interacting with the website or app determines the value of the service as a whole. 
We research customer needs and design holistic service models for mature companies and startups

Starting a new product or service

The launch of innovative services is always comes with a risk. It is unknown whether investments will be returned to the development, implementation and promotion of the service. Service design is a methodology that allows you to quickly and qualitatively distinguish the archetypes of potential customers, find out their real needs, find and quickly check ideas,  meet the needs of the most profitable customers and win competition. The methodology of service design is equally effective both in the development of services for end consumers and for business clients.

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Designing a service for business-clients

Online platforms often serve both end-customers and business clients (merchants). Moreover, monetization happens at the expense of the latter. While it is easier to empathize with the individual user, it is often difficult to guess the needs of B-clients. We help companies to launch products and services that business clients enjoy.

Improvement of existing products and services

Only 5% of customers complain about the poor quality of products and services. The rest are silently leaving to competitors. To see your service through customers’ eyes, conduct a qualitative study of customer experience. We help you to understand critical customer pains, improve your service and retain the customer base.

Solving customers’ requests

You can waste efforts on quickly and efficiently solving every user’s request. Or you can improve the product so the client would have no reason for questions or complaints. We will find the root cause of the requests and propose changes to your products and services service that will dramatically reduce the number of customer inquiries. Our experience shows that 4-7 major topics are responsible for up to 80% of all customer requests.

Effective monetization of services

Going from free to paid services is always stressful for the customer. It is crucial to relieve emotional stress, convey the benefits and value of a paid service, and respond to basic questions. 

Reduce Customer churn

Customer churn is the biggest threat to services used by thousands or millions of customers. By combining analytical and ethnographic methods, we identify the segments of the clients that churn out, highlight the primary causes and propose how to retain the customers.

A quick test of new ideas

If you talk to a client for the first time after you have created an MVP - you are too late. We will help you crash-test your idea with potential customers within 2-3 days – before you invest time and money in making your first mockup. 

Employee experience improvement

Happy employees make your customers happier. The times when competitive wages and bonuses guaranteed employees’ loyalty are long gone. Modern companies use human-centric methods for both external and internal customers. To create a service-oriented culture within the organization, you must implement an effective system of measuring employee experience and designing internal services

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